Forever Lost

Posted July 11, 2022 by texaspony
Categories: Uncategorized

What’s gone is forever lost. I hear so many people say they want things to go back to the way they were. However, I am sorry to tell you that once it has passed it will not return. The old America you yearn for is no more, because we have allowed it to. The ideas that made this country come into being has faded. The idea that the people are their own rightful masters has been stripped away. But why? Why has is always been that those with wealth can never just be content in their wealth and let others just be? While I am sure everyone has their own theories and opinions, all I can say is that it is a trait as old as human cognition. For some reason the gathering of wealth and power, brings the idea that it is up to that individual to reign over and correct others. The idea that wealth brings better ideas and knowledge and therefore to correct human nature – as brash and bold as it is – this education and rule must be forced on the individual people. Without sycophants praising and worshiping the wealth – in hopes to gain favor or even recompense – they would not be remembered, or be worth anything. What is happening now at the hands of wealthy elite has always happened. They want to control those who just want to be. That’s what they live on, the desire to rule and control others. They have always created institutions by which to manifest that control over others. From the idea of Kingdoms, Empires, Nations, Religions, Philosophies, Educations, Corporations, and a myriad of others.

You were taught to accept what each of these told you as truth, because it was supposed to be about bettering the whole – the tribe, village, clan, congregation, kingdom, empire, nation, globe. So we don’t ever question, because we have been trained not to. The very things we have held dear for so long, must never ever be questioned. Yet, I wonder though: If humanity is left unchecked, fully free range, ungoverned what might we do? Natives who lived in nations before the idea of forced governing, themselves formed a governing councils. Chiefs were elected, and elders were consulted. Western Civilization hadn’t pushed their ideas of governing on them. The Aztecs, and Mayans built empires without outside Western influence. The idea of the wisest amongst a group of humans has always been selected to lead, with wealth and power lavished onto that individual. Yet, many times that wealth and power corrupts the individual as they become used to the idea of being pampered at the expense of others. When threatened to lose that pampering for the sake of new leadership, that leader starts to try to maintain that power at the expense of his fellow human being.

Is it ever really possible for us to just let each other alone? I fear not, for our envy tends to always take over our senses and we feel the need to conquer others to gather comfort for ourselves at the expense of others. Those who feel they are very intelligent believe they have what it takes to better the existence of others and therefore have the duty to force others to comply with their ideas. The idea of the Original united States was a good one. States uniting together for a common purpose of self governance, with strict limitations on a central – federal – governing body. The power was to reside in the individuals States so that the people of each state would have a say as to what would or would not occur. But as with every idea of individual sovereignty, it was crushed by those who had money and power. Those with the money, always control the governments. Kings, Emperors, Presidents, Prime Ministers – titles of empty power. For the ones whom control the money, control the seats or power. Now Corporations have helped those with the wealth consolidate power to manipulate the masses who believe their voices have weight. You are more controlled than you know. We the People of the world have so chosen to not act while our individual sovereignty has been usurped, our halls of elected representatives to act on our best interests and behalves has been striped away. Because we just wanted to be left alone, our rights as individuals has been taken by those who believe it is their inherent right to rule over us. Our inaction has led us to this place of long term coercion, genocides, poisons, cruelty. The training of our inaction has not just been a recent complacency. It has been long term, for longer than you know. We were trained to not fight against the Kings, Councils, Priests, Villages. Their power was the one we should always listen to and never question. We are forced to pay them recompense for doing whatever their desires were at our expense. But it has always taken a great unparalleled train of abuses before those who are ruled to finally be fed up with it and take action.

However those whom are truly in power are hidden and not seen. They use those who are seen as a source for the transgressions, so that those who are seen can receive the backlash. Kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Priests can take the fall, but those who have the power carry on their plans. How do you remove their power? You don’t. We can remove money, and we can try to remove power. But selfish greed will still exist and can be used in other ways. But it does not mean that we should never fight. You cannot ever hope to diminish their power influence by doing nothing. Yet, in doing something we will still not regain what’s been lost and will have to build new. If you do anything, your comfort will be gone and you will have to struggle to survive. It is the nature of our species. We are not long governed before we must tear it down and start anew.


Posted June 13, 2022 by texaspony
Categories: Uncategorized

You know what is really messed up right now in this crazy back asswards world of ours? I have friends on Fakebook literally supporting the President of Ukraine, just because of his Jewish heritage! Never mind the fact that the man supports literal Nazi’s in his own country – the Azov Battalion! He was actually on Television – in the middle of war no less! – wearing a shirt with a Nazi symbol on it, and people are falling all over each other defending it! People have become some screwed up in their thinking and mind sets that they are backing a Nazi supporter because of his Jewish heritage! Not to mention that he has the support of the man whom betrayed his fellow Jews during the Nazi’s Jewish purge (WWII for all you not listening/thinking) – George Soros! If you aren’t in lock-step with Any Anti-Antisemitism (Even if it’s pro-Nazi) you’re called an Anti-Semite! What the actual fuck y’all?

You know, I don’t even know if President Putin is evil or not. After all the info that is coming in about him comes from the media and you know they fucking liars, they have been for a rather long time! Maybe he is a bad man, but what I do see is he is the Only one fighting the NWO cabal! Every other nation – especially the West – is supporting and aiding the rise of the NWO cabal! Our sold out “Leaders” are out here supporting our demise and destruction. Meanwhile we are all infighting over the most petty and ridiculous things. I’m constantly feeling like I am losing my sanity, while people around me are like “Just live your life!” “Be positive, your mindset determines your reality” “The future is bright!” and I’m like – Everything is literally turning to shit, our way of life is being destroyed, and the best advise anyone has is “Live, Laugh, Love!”?! I wished I didn’t know what I know, I wished many times that I were as ignorant and asleep as so many seem to be. It would hurt less. Losing my husband was painful, I felt like I had lost my world, my reason for living. Yet I am watching all that is around me collapsing and crashing, with few people paying attention. My literal world is coming apart around me, and again I feel alone like I did the day he died.

And voting is extremely corrupt and doesn’t work anymore, and I see so many of my staunch voting friends say “We can vote to fix it next election cycle!” Even though you just saw the most massive voting fraud in the history of our country – that never was fixed – and somehow you still believe that voting is going to fix this?! The United States was born out of a fighting spirit by men who believed that in order to secure freedom that they had to fight because those who were in power did not want to listen to the needs of their own people. They refused the right of proper representation in Government, and ignored all the pleas for redress of the people’s grievances! Money, power, and corruption was speaking loudly back then and our founding fathers understood this and realized that they would have to fight to get their freedoms. We actually have the very corrupt power and money hungry government that our founding fathers fought to escape! Two hundred years after escaping tyranny and here we are embracing it openly. Money, and power corrupts! The difference is now we’ve been programmed not to fight. To continuously take tyranny and abuse quietly. I just don’t know what to do. I’m tired of it all.

Money controls you

Posted March 12, 2022 by texaspony
Categories: Uncategorized

What do you do when you realize that your country has blood stained hands? What if you see that while it originated in the old world, it was imported to the new. It came in the form of a national banking corporation: The Federal Reserve Bank. It came from the idea of the Bank of England. Perhaps even further back than that. The point is – They whom control the money control the people. Monarchs, Presidents, Prime Ministers, the wealthy elite. But their power was removed. How? Corporations. Wealth power houses. They buy off the law makers, and bought the power away from the rulers. They have spent much time building their own power. A New World Order. Power was taken from the people as well. The original united States had true freedom and had the consent of the governed. But the oldest and most powerful bank – the Bank of England did not let go or give up. They finally won with a new idea for power and control with Socialism – the enactment of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913 in the US. Americans forgot Freedom, forgot independence, and gave up their power to the government. We haven’t been Proper “Americans” for a long time. We lost the war of Freedom long before 1913. As the old saying goes…. Follow the money. Sadly propaganda won, and lies abound. Money controls all. You whine and complain about your comfort and lack of Saltine crackers. High gas prices, and being herded towards destruction. Masks and mandates. Poisons galore for over a century injected. Your DNA has been fucked with long before you were born. You sit back waiting for a god to save you because you don’t want to die, and you definitely don’t want to lose your Netflix. I don’t believe in your religion, but I know there is a saying in it that is old – “God helps those who help themselves”. If you are not willing to fight evil, why should he?

Believe whatever you like, you have since you were told what to believe by your schools, by your religious institutions, your family, and your TV. You never questioned, you just accepted and you still do. That’s why we are so far from where this country was founded. We believe what we are told without question. We are the cattle they made us into, and we will be slaughtered when they decide it’s time.

Damage already done

Posted January 25, 2022 by texaspony
Categories: Uncategorized

I’m going to be a negative guy for a moment. First let me say that I am happy that Canadian truckers are standing up for Freedom for Canada and the US.

Now the negative part: So essentially this convoy’s main goal is to get the same individuals responsible for the mandates in the first place to “Do the right thing and remove the mandates”. We asking the very same power hungry people to weild their power in a different way. Then what? Everybody goes home happy? Sit on their asses and wait for election time to hopefully get unaltered, non-rigged, fair elections with more power hungry degenerates?

Let’s say that those in power say to you “We’ve seen the light and have heard you!” and do lift the mandates. Great! But not really. Why? Because the damage has already been done. They can gladly give up their power hold on you now, because they did what they sought out to do. They got a very large portion of the world’s population to inject themselves with the DNA altering poison. Over the next few years we are going to see massive new amounts of health issues – that benefit pharmaceutical companies’ profits – and more than a large amount of deaths. You see at the very beginning they targeted the most vulnerable portions of the populations – those with pre-existing health issues and the elderly. The virus was just a scare tactic to get people to take the jab. Once that was done, all they have to do is sit back and wait. Then they targeted the children. Many people have fallen for it, because they already have jabbed their kids for the other deadly diseases out there. We’ve all been jabbed when we were kids. Our parents didn’t question, nor did their parents question. They had already been taught never to question and to “Tru$t the $cience™”.

Those who did speak out were mocked denigrated and called “Anti-Vaxxers”. Parents were already being trained to go to the school boards and demanding that parents whom made the personal decision to not jab their children be barred from allowing their children to attend schools, because they are unsafe.

I was one of those people who trusted and did not question science. I was one of those people who thought parents who did not jab their children were in fact bad people. I supported vaccinations before attending school. All the way up until two years ago, when all this blatant propaganda was thrown in my face. Hell before all this shit started, whenever Darren went to the hospital for Pneumonia, I was checking to see if he had received his Pneumonia shot, and his flu shot! I seriously wonder if he had lived longer if I would have been convinced to get him the latest deadly jab. Hell even if I wasn’t, the nursing home might have convinced him that he had to get it to stay there. Especially as he had gotten the virus twice! Never mind that he survived it both times.

I know this is long, but the point is the damage has already been done and is severe. These people knew what they were doing, because we allowed it for a very long time.

What to believe?

Posted November 5, 2021 by texaspony
Categories: Uncategorized

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I have learned in life that what to believe is a complicated thing. There are many sources of information vying for your attention, and mostly from your fellow humans whom want to control you and to have power and/or wealth. So many sources seem credible, most especially when the people you love and care about fervently believe in it. So what do you do then? Whom do you believe? Simple answer: No one. Long answer: Everyone has an opinion and point of view, and they – and even you – will push that agenda and view on others. Why? Because no one likes to be wrong. We hold dear to what we believe because none of us like to be wrong. Unfortunately many people take that belief and try to whack you over the head with it, because they fervently believe their views to be right. Don’t get me wrong, there are those that honestly are doing it because they feel they are doing the right thing and are trying to do best by you. The biggest thing right now is this virus that was created in a lab. It is killing people that haven’t taken care of themselves, but mostly it’s killing because government has convinced medical practitioners that the thing that could save their patient’s lives are not good, and the thing that would kill their patients is good. Those practitioners are not questioning what they are told. Don’t get me wrong there are some that are questioning it, but too many are just doing what they are told without question. Those that are questioning are being threatened, and silenced. The average person has been inundated with so much false information being pushed on them by their government and trusted sources that they just don’t know what to think. Even more regrettable are the types that just want to be left the fuck alone to live their lives how they see fit to. Unfortunately there will always be those that believe it is their right and duty to interfere with your life. They use all sources they can to tell you what to do, what to think, and even what to believe. If you dare not accept what they are throwing at you, you are called deviant, evil, and are looked down on. Right now the believers of “The Science” are telling you false things like: ‘There are more than two genders’, ‘Men can have periods too’, ‘Men can give birth’ ‘A Coronavirus cannot be defeated with the same medication that has been used on it’s many other variants that have existed for many years’. Because the corrupted leaders have called all of this shit “Science” you aren’t allowed to question it. You were raised to believe that science is the search for truth no matter where it may lead us. Man is corruptible. Give him power and he will abuse it. There is not one institution created by man that has ever not been corrupted.

So what do we do then? Whom do we believe? No one. Because like I said, there is no institution created by man that has not been corrupted, or that was not established to control others. Religion is the largest and oldest such institution. Think about it. You were taught it by your parents whom were taught by their parents. You mostly don’t question it because you were taught not to. Those whom do are attacked and/ or ostracized. Powerful men control it, and it is used to control others. Those who see the falsehood for what it is and leave are attacked, belittled, shamed, and talked down to. In the name of love and unity of course. But is it wrong? Sadly it is a journey you must face alone. You are going to have both sides of any subject ply you with info – the both would say verifiable facts of course – but ultimately in this world – it is up to you to decide. You must decide what is best for you. You will make mistakes, you will hurt yourself and others, but you must find your own damn path in life. There are those whom are now pushing for one unifying religion. I don’t think there should be. The best thing that ever happened to religion was when it fractured and became many different denominations. People began to see that they should find the path that suits them best. I am myself not a believer of religion and don’t like what I’ve seen it do to others. Yes it has done some good, but it has also done great harm, especially to the innocent and to those whom are unable to think for themselves. Follow the Science is a bad idea, follow the religion is a bad idea, for the secular is a bad idea. Follow your own path is the best idea as you will find what works best for you. But I warn you not to use your path or beliefs to bash, control or hurt others. For you will find people who will stand against you and topple you. Just because you are willing to follow a path of others without questioning it, does not mean others will do so willingly. Think for yourself, because one day it will be outlawed and you will have to fight to keep your sanity.

Just Pray

Posted September 15, 2021 by texaspony
Categories: Uncategorized

Prayers. What are they? Ask a religionist and they will go on a diatribe of over thinking, tribute, and long windedness. What it is – hope. Hope where you or others have none. Prayers are whatever you feel they are. They could be a long winded recital, deep meditation, or a few words, or a spare thought. But whatever you find it, do it for those around you. Family, friends, co-workers, strangers you’ve met, and strangers you’ve never met. Pray for the world as the darkness creeps more and more in. Pray for everyone you can, and try your best to give hope to those that have none. Offer to pray for that person on facebook that stubbed their toe, or pray for that friend of a friend’s friend’s baby that just passed away. Pray for light when the darkness envelopes and many die. Pray for hope of better tomorrows while todays are bleak. Still, the hardest prayer you will ever have to confront – prayer for someone who is not nice, who uses you, or has destroyed your life. I know that is the hard one, because I have had to deal with it after my husband died. You see he was run into the ground by someone we lived with – whom I still live with – and whom has ruined other lives. You see he is a man of religion. He is blinded to his actions and believes himself innocent. I have much anger, and hatred of him. Yet as I am trapped living with him, I pretend to be nice and caring. Anyway, try as hard as you can to pray. Pray because the world needs your love, as imperfect as it is. Give of yourself when others need it. Just Pray.

Creative words

Posted December 21, 2020 by texaspony
Categories: Uncategorized

Che canatu olaris tche ohra mastu. Pila yira met juo etsha noori islar kehra, moui. Restal huru wechi, nostal. Eqau bilo, ewsta astad hior bolid. Mouhu dolinerae quiet. Voulyt sarni fourchi nare. Astaro xiuet kioul tiun ficor astar ereat lois. Caerta eras imol houra cairut ewrat asta lipol nouirt. Loipyt doutch chrei voilom hourca tehio. Erash oilit gouche wests. Quiera hoirl che delop, jopilu. Houil, voili deolo asta. Techolo guilo doiole. Zatra oloik nolp. Tuchu ilok foilu gouch equir.


Posted July 11, 2020 by texaspony
Categories: Uncategorized

People please use your brain and stop listening to everything you’re told by so-called “Experts”, they’re lying to you. It really doesn’t take all that much brainpower to figure out that your being lied to, I mean after all I did it in 2008 when I saw the Mainstream media repeating DNC talking points! Anyway, as I’ve already discussed that I will move on past it, you’ll have to find and read that post for yourself if you haven’t already. I’m here to talk about the idiocy of Covid-19.

How many of you mask wearing freaks were wearing masks for the Flu or for Pneumonia; or how about Bronchitis? Did you indeed wear them if you had a family member or friend with a compromised immune system? How about a family member or friend with damaged lungs? Flu, Pneumonia, and Bronchitis are deadly to those with compromised immune systems & damaged lungs. But I bet you weren’t even thinking about that were you? Why? Because it isn’t your fault that someone has a compromised immune system or damaged lungs. It behooves them to take precautions when going out in public, not you.

We have effectively shut down our world economies and lives over a virus, that healthy people can survive. Healthy people survive, the many variant strains of Flu each year. They have also survived Bronchitis, as well as Pneumonia. I mean for god’s sake y’all there are people that purposely inject Plague (Botulinum Toxin) in their faces to look younger! No one had a fit about that either! You should be able to see these things and go “Huh, why Are we all worked up about this shit?”

Are people dying from this virus? Yes. Can you survive it? Yes, if you have a doctor that doesn’t listen to lies of the media and colleagues that tell him that he needs to not follow certain life saving procedures and instead follow procedures that would give his hospital or other organizations he works for extra money. May the odds be ever in your favor that you get a doctor that cares more about your life than money. The doctor that doesn’t listen to hype and lies and gives you the correct care will save your life. However, the doctor that doesn’t….well good luck to you. Which is why it would be best for you to take care of your body, and try to remain healthy.

I have not taken care of myself or my body as I should have. I am very likely to catch this virus as anyone else, and my survival chances are lower than someone who has taken good care of their bodies. But I will not blame someone else for my death, nor will I force otherwise healthy or even healthy-ish people to wear a mask for my sake. You are very selfish if you are running around forcing others to harm themselves, or even just affect their daily lives for your possible wellbeing.

Do you know how many deadly virus’, bacteria, or even germs you interact with on a daily basis? No of course you don’t, because if you did you would not be able to function as a human being. You’d be scared to leave your house! Do you know your chances for being killed is high every time you go outside? Hell you could have a high chance of dying just staying inside! Do you know what kind of particles are in the air in your home? Do you know how many people who are killed by friends, family members, and assorted others? You cannot live your life in fear. Get out there and live! Every living thing dies, and there is nothing that can stop it. You can delay it of course, but eventually we all die. It’s just something we accept and deal with every single day of our lives. Planets, stars, galaxies, hell even the Universe will all die eventually. It is just all a matter of time.

Stop cowering behind a fucking mask and get out there and live your life. Stop listening to people hell bent on Communist take over of the whole world. Don’t listen to politicians, entertainers, or assorted wealthy types that are trying to instill fear into you and keep you from living your life. Go be you. Go live. And tell them to go fuck off. You’re a human being and deserve to live!

Gathering Darkness

Posted September 13, 2019 by texaspony
Categories: God, War, World

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There is a gathering of great darkness surrounding us. We don’t even necessarily fight it, but we sure do talk about it. When do we stand up to the evils in our fellow man? Are we so easily distracted? There is slave trade still going on today that we are silent about! Human beings rounded up and sold, and those who didn’t sell are cut open for organ harvesting to be sold on the black market! Child trafficking is a serious thing that occurs not only in foreign lands, but in Western Civilisation and we don’t talk about it! There are politicians the world over who are accepting bribes and remaining silent. Yet some are even participating in this darkness! The leader of the First denomination of Christianity is silent on this global darkness, and so are its adherents. Are you so stuck in tradition that you would not stand against one who represents you? For those who are not of that first denomination, do you remain silent because you believe he doesn’t represent your denomination so you are removed from that tarnish brush? Do you not realise that there are people out there that believe he speaks for your entire religion and not just a single denomination? Y’all need to speak against him as well. You should have been joining forces with Catholics to get him removed. But you’re more worried of a backlash than standing up to the evil he espouses. Look we All have darkness in us. None of us are free of it. But we can strive to control it within us, and try to be better people.


Yet there is still a great gathering of darkness happening. No government is free from its touch. I don’t believe in religion, but I am not blind to what I can see. The future of our species is at hand, do we accept this darkness gladly? Or do we fight it? While some of y’all will believe that the world will end after a great war of good versus evil, I see a great change is needed if we are to move past that great war. What are we if we remain silent? Worse still, what are we if we are willfully blind and speak on behalf of that evil that is done to our fellow man? To those who live through this war, you will have to deal with the after math of what happened. Whether of religion or not, you will have to work through the fact that such evil grew among us. It doesn’t mean that we should end. But you will have to discuss and deal with the fact that there were those who held religious views and spoke out and were ignored. There are those who had those religious views who didn’t speak out. Then there are those that had those religious views that spoke in favor of that darkness. Then you’ll have to deal with those of different religions that fall into one of those categories, while there are those of no religion that also fall into those categories. Humans will have much to answer for after the great war.


We all have our own demons that we fight daily. Some of us even lose those battles. So how do we deal with such a great evil of our people while dealing with the darkness in ourselves as well as trying to deal with our daily lives? I don’t have the answers. I am also a coward and dislike fighting and anger.


Global Communism

Posted January 13, 2019 by texaspony
Categories: Uncategorized

There is a group of people that are manipulators. The Bilderberg group, The Illuminati, whatever you want to call this group. While I am sure that their plans include control of the masses, I also believe they aren’t just secularists. Quite a few are also religious. Some of you would probably believe they are satanic or even pagan. No, not all of them are. A few maybe, but not all. I believe the larger cadre is Christian, Islamic, & Jewish. Why do I think that? Look at what is happening globally. To the simple mind it is just pure chaos, and wickedness. So the first thing that pops in your mind is The End Times…well that actually is apart of it. But not how you think it is. No the devil isn’t running around sewing chaos, and well evil. That is what you are supposed to think, they want you to believe that we are in the Last Days. Why? Because they are religious, and do believe in their holy texts. They are attempting to manufacture the circumstances, and events that will usher in those End times. All three Monotheistic religions believe in an End Times. Christians believe it’s Jesus’ return, Muslims believe it is the twelfth Imam, and Jews believe it is the Messiah. Each one of these characters come on scene and usher in the End Times. Think about it the Jews have been waiting the longest for this Messiah to come, thousands of years. Christians have been waiting two thousand years for Jesus to return, and Islam less than two thousand for the twelfth Imam.  There have been major wars, governments (Usually Imperial in nature) that have tried to conquer all around them – one world government. All have failed individually. That’s where this group mentioned above comes into it. They have formed this group alliance, to usher in this “Final battle between good and evil”.

That’s where the idea of Socialism and Communism come into play. Each ideal is about an elite group controlling the people. When Communism came out it failed in its direct approach at seizing power. We exist in a world where Monarchs aren’t as powerful as they once were. We’ve created governments that are more freedom based. So that is a bit harder for this group to take control. So they have to do it the long way, by infiltration. Little by little they have inserted their global agenda into all facets of our daily lives. Education – to bring up the youth believing in this idealism, Media – to spread propaganda covertly, rather than overtly, and places of employment – to ensure saturation. It was far more difficult for them to control conservatives – due to logic, so they went after the vulnerable:  liberals – due to emotions. This began to spread “Socialism/Communism” much quicker. Since we have all been indoctrinated to react with our emotions it has been far easier to manipulate us. That’s why there is division among the people’s. If we are pitted against one another constantly arguing and fighting, then it is more easy on the Group to take control. They also control and manipulate the currencies around the globe. So if the various countries collapse, Communists can step in and gain control.

One World Government is essential to their plans of control. As is eventually the merging of all religions, into one. The Final battle cannot take place until those two are done. So if all that is true, why would secularists be apart of it? Simple: greed. Greed for Power is strong in humanity. Though the religious types are trying to usher in the end of the world, the secularists are trying to usher in centralized power. So they all essentially have the same goal in mind: Global control. I used to be religious, and of course believed in the End Times. So when I saw the future all I could see it from is a religious view point. Good versus Evil, Jesus coming back and destroying the wicked. Now that I am Deist I see the same battle coming but with different focus. Unfortunately there will be another great war; and as previously stated it will be a religious war. Billions will be killed in this war and there will be great destruction. I am afraid this attempt at bringing about the end of the world will last for decades if not centuries. Why? Because the religionists will be waiting for the world to end and for their long waited religious figure to come about. Slowly, very slowly it will dawn on them that the religious figure isn’t coming. That the billions killed world wide will be their fault. Hopefully the remaining people will realize this too. Also hopefully the truth will come out about what this group had planned, and they will be toppled then brought to justice. I can’t say what happens after that as even I cannot see the future. I can only look at certain patterns and like every other “Prophet” has done – guess. The visions (Prophecies) these people had are just the patterns their brains noticed and put a “Prediction” together. Sometimes they got something right and sometimes they didn’t. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens when it happens.